Fees - Community Neighbour Disputes Mediation

A community/neighbour mediation involves a half hour meeting separately with each party and up to three hours with all parties together.

The total fixed fee is £240 based on £60 per hour. Each party pays half, so £120 plus minimum £10 donation to Hand Up Malawi (Charity Number 1196912)*.

50% discount off fixed fee for any party in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance, State Pension or Universal Credit .

If the mediation is not held online, mileage is charged at forty-five pence a mile from Poole plus cost of local room hire for joint meeting (e.g. village hall). Accommodation may be charged if mediation parties are located more than a three hour drive. Fixed price including all costs provided at time of engagement.

Available to give talks on community mediation. Damian Croker is the only Civil Mediation Council (CMC) Registered Community Mediator in Dorset and the New Forest.

*Damian Croker is a trustee of Hand Up Malawi.